Formidable Thief and Fierce Princess

Formidable Thief and Fierce Princess


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Formidable Thief and Fierce Princess

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Chu Mo, the world’s bandit god, was generally known as the “King of Chu Yan”.Chu Moxi, the good-for-nothing eldest daughter of the Mu Ling Empire’s Duke Chu Mansion. She, who was born to be a good-for-nothing, had been bullied since she was younger. He was infuriated when the wedding was annulled.When he awoke once more, she was now not her.His stepmother and stepsister had joined fingers to assault him. If his elder sister adopted swimsuit, wasn’t there just some brainless folks?As for spirit beasts? There was a pig, it was stated that it thought Zhang Ye was stunning, so it volunteered to observe her.A single imperial edict had made her marry an fool king. How might this be doable? Huge Sis’s lover is Chenchen.Lady: Chenchen, be careful for me!Males: Xi Er, are you able to not go? If you would like it, I will simply give it to you.Lady: What is the level of bringing it? Not thrilling! Open the door for me.Some man: …



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